About SMART Trade - The Answer to Your Global Trade Challenges: What are the defining characteristics and values that drive us to help our clients deliver a truly integrated supply chain with the help of Digital Logistics? Interestingly technology is not our first priority because we know our clients value efficiency first and our strategic input in your supply chain (when applied with technology & data) actually delivers better value.
If technology is a tool, our strategies are the foundations to get you digital faster and better.
Keywords: #globaltrade #smartlogistics #supplychains
Now that we’ve said hello, it’s time to introduce ourselves. We want this to be your first opportunity to get acquainted with our small but mighty organization of passionate individuals with a unique set of perspective and insights into the logistics and supply chain industry. Did you know that children creativity and innovations skills are mostly developed because they do not have self-imposed barriers? This is the approach we apply to your organization. We develop insights driven by our curiosity into your supply chain with an eye on the efficiency of operations so to bring together the best of both worlds - efficiency and innovation strategies.
Picture: SMART Trade allows you to perform better at Trade & Operations - you can develop smart strategies to trade internationally and it allows you to benefit from our 24/7 support.
Welcome to SMART Trade where Internationalization , Global Supply Chains & Intelligent Logistics merge in one EASY Formula.
"Creativity is people who care enough to keep thinking about something until thy find the simplest way to do it"
Tim Cook, CEO Apple
If Apple core beliefs is creativity and innovation and they are consistently capable to produce amazing products for the masses (Nike is another example), then your organization can do too and become a global brand. However a stable, effective and reliable supply chain is needed to fuel your growth - as Tim Cook (previously Chief Operating Officer) might be able to confirm.
Creativity and Innovation and two ends of a spectrum as creativity are the ideas and novel thinking that when applied with management and strategy create innovation - a market-tested approach that relies on ideas and 'science'. Strategy, for us, is at the core of everything we do and data happens to be our tool to deliver value in clients engagements.
Why Trading Smarter?
Digital is at the heart of an ecosystem that integrates information, data and processes in your operations in a way that allows better integration with the wider supply chains. We believe that digital logistics should be at the heart of your supply chain too and this integrates perfectly with your plans for growth and bigger things for your business.
Picture: we believe global trade can be made quicker, flow smoother & a lot simpler.
Smart Trade: Market Entry Strategies.
We use a 'smart' approach to international trade and we integrate it with Global Operations in a unique way. Our navigation tool allows you you to operate in international trade seamlessly. We support you all the way from initial entry to successful commercialization of your products and this entails a smart export plan and a successful Go-to-Market plan that integrates Operations and Regulations.
Here are 2 examples of global market entry strategies your organization can use to its advantage:
Distributors and commercial partners - while this strategy reduces the level of control your business has on the commercial aspect of your marketing strategy, when planned and managed correctly can reap benefits over long term. We can help you with our past experience where we managed exports to over 30 countries solely via distribution partnerships. We know the challenges and how your organization can overcome to improve efficiency and ensure maximum profitability.
Direct Exporting - here you market directly to end consumers in the countries you plan to sell (without third parties). E-commerce might be an option and with the switch to online retailing (especially after the onset of the pandemic), digital business models might reap the benefits of this low-cost but highly marketing-driven strategy.
Our insight: why not choosing a hybrid strategy and segment markets according to complexity, ease of doing business, cultural similarity, etc. according to the audience in your target market in your home country prior to making a market entry decision? Contact us to get a detailed roadmap for your global trade objectives.
Picture: Global Markets, Operations and Complexity in Regulations - a three-sides integration.
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What are the Trends in Global Supply Chains?
Logistics being at the very centre of our solutions is where we are located in the wider supply chain industry. Digital (Smart) Logistics is the innovation-based strategies that we apply to your organization. Digitization in all its shapes rest at the core of our implementation projects. Our ultimate focus on streamlining your supply chain for better flow of products and information is delivered and integrated with a support reliant on best practice from our decades of supply chain experience - cross-industry and countries.
Picture: Logistics, Movement and Intersections - tri-dimensional view on your supply chains
Why SC Insights?
Do not be confused - we are not the next startup in digital logistics and neither we are the corporate provider with standardized procedures prior to starting service. We are client-centric, innovative and friendly with an outlook that comprehend the supply chain end-to-end. Simplicity in Logistics.
Picture: Massimo, Lamiaa, Jenny - your core team.
Book a Discovery Call with us!
What is left now is a high-level conversation with our specialists for what's next in your supply chain development towards digital ecosystems.
Learn about our 'Logistics Intelligence Solutions' for Global Supply Chains & Uncover Areas of Opportunity.
We are always on the lookout for new trends and developing technologies in smart logistics. If you are interested to chat with us , book a discovery call or let us know how we can help you towards your evolutions to 'smart supply chains'.
Our North Star: We have a strong interest in anything digital. For us, the transition to intelligent supply chains (embedding automation with digital tools and frameworks) is an obvious progression in a world economy driven by Industry 4.0 (4IR) technologies. Contact us or subscribe to our upcoming content to learn more.
Who We Are: we are a team of 3 highly committed global supply chain professionals and intelligent logistics experts with 'a thirst for continuous improvement' and for keeping your global supply chain running efficiently, witht the aid of digital tools. We are based in the dynamic and fast-paced city of Amsterdam with a regional presence in Bangkok.
Questions? Book a discovery call